Muscles of the thigh
Fascia lata, Tractus iliotibialis
Bursa subtendinea prepatellaris
Caput fibulae
Bursa subcutanea infrapateliaris
(M psoas minor)
Arcus iliopectineus
Lig pectineum
M pectineus
M adductor long us
M. sartorius
M gracilis
M vastus medialis
Lig inguinale
M, iliopsoas
M tensor fasciae latae
M rectus femoris
M vastus lateralis
Femur, Condylus medialis
Lig patellae
M iliopsoas
M. psoas major
^ M. iliacus
Fig. 1329
Muscles of the thigh and the hip;
after removal of the fascia lata except for the iliotibial tract.
* Com m on insertion of the sartorius, g racilis and sem itendinosus
m uscles ju st below the m edial condyle of the tibia (form erly known
as the superficial pes anserinus, Pes anserinus superficialis]
T 42, T 44, T 45